For reference: Coffin Corner Map

Philadelphia at Buffalo!
HUGE thanks goes out to:
- @DTOBER82 and Coffin Corner folks for hosting the event. This doesn’t even happen without Coffin Corner’s help.
- @_holly_lynn_ for volunteering to take photos throughout the event. Most of the photos below were taken by her.
- @jomanchu for contributing his as well!
- @CoffeeCult448 for showing up with free coffee (and other beverages) for everyone!
- #BILLSMAFIA FOR SHOWING UP! All in all we had about 70 different people come through during the day!
Ralph Wilson Stadium at sunrise
Entrance to #CoffinCorner
@TheProfessorSD, his friend, and @mrdeadlier chatting at the outset of the day.
@TheProfessorSD, @leslieanne94, @mrdeadlier
@mrdeadlier, @RandomlyRufus, @leslieanne94, @dicknavis165
@mrdeadlier, @yamanboo
@TheProfessorSD signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@bowchickabecca and @RandomlyRufus cooking breakfast
@_holly_lynn_ showing off the giveaway item! (No, not the watch)
@amiefoss giving @leslieanne94 some support
@leslieanne94, @yamanboo, @mrdeadlier
@yamanboo signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@JaredAM showing off the sign that he and a friend made for the game.
@boiler14870 signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@ERICPUSATERI signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@ERICPUSATERI and @boiler14870 in full #BillsMafia gear
@boiler14870 unmasked… sort of
@bre_88 arrives with his girlfriend
Group shot!
Group shot!
@KevinBuffalo (WGRZ-TV) stops by #CoffinCorner
@KevinBuffalo (WGRZ-TV) stops by #CoffinCorner
@KevinBuffalo (@WGRZ-TV) posing with the OG’s
@KevinBuffalo (@WGRZ-TV) posing with the OG’s
@RandomlyRufus and @bowchickabecca representing #BillsMafia
@dicknavis165 showing off the wristband
@buffalobills12, @bre_88, @leslieanne94, @RPOF
@buffalobills12, @bre_88
The OG’s getting interviewed for an upcoming webisode of “Buffalo. For Real.”
“Buffalo. For Real.,” who were filming an upcoming webisode on tailgating, stopped by.
More filming of the “Buffalo. For Real.” webisode.
The OG’s getting interviewed for an upcoming webisode of “Buffalo. For Real.”
More filiming of the “Buffalo. For Real” webisode. @DTOBER82 joins the OG’s.
#BillsMafia chanting for the “Buffalo. For Real.” webisode.
@RandomlyRufus, @dicknavis165 chanting at the camera
The band (the members that could make it, that is) rocking out.
More of the band rocking out.
@leslieanne94 greets @brianmoorman as he pulls up
@brianmoorman stopped by! Here he is, posing with @leslieanne94.
@brianmoorman posing with the #CoffinCorner crew.
@JMS303 and @leslieanne94 meet for the first time!
@mrdeadlier, @leslieanne94, and @bre_88: First time all three OG’s in the same place at the same time!
@mrdeadlier chatting with @TheProfessorSD over by the @SMCBuffalo group.
@JaredAM signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@R_FLYGUY_SMITH signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@theblake42 arrives, epic mustache and all
@JMS303 signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@Jomanchu posing in front of the tent banner
@JMS303, @leslieanne94, @Lefty824
@jomanchu and @JMS303 posing in front of the tent banner
Huge thanks to @CoffeeCult448 for showing up with free coffee1
@leslieanne94 and @cable_lady posing in front of the #CoffinCorner sign
@leslieanne94, @cable_lady
@mrdeadlier, @leslieanne94, @bre_88
@GregGooseGimlet signing @mrdeadlier’s shirt
@Lefty824 and @JMS303
@danieljryan rocking the best 2005 had to offer
@mrdeadlier, @JMS303
@danieljryan pointing at… something
@theblake42 quickly fixed the issue of arriving in a Poz jersey
@TobyWille and @mrdeadlier, who is apparently blowing a kiss to his phone
@RandomlyRufus, @dicknavis165
@danieljryan tweeting, we presume
@bowchickabecca, @RandomlyRufus, @dicknavis165, @dicknavis165’s fiancee
@yamanboo, @leslieanne94, and @DTOBER82
@RandomlyRufus, @yamanboo
@nickbarnett slows down for a “hello”
@brianmoorman rolled by afterwards as well
@shawnemerriman on the way out, shaking some hands
Fitz shouting at the security guard, telling him not to let @shawnemerriman’s car through