“As the disappointing Buffalo Bills host the Denver Broncos” promo for Monday Night Football blared from our television set last night I thought… what in the blazes has this season … Keep Reading
“As the disappointing Buffalo Bills host the Denver Broncos” promo for Monday Night Football blared from our television set last night I thought… what in the blazes has this season … Keep Reading
The erstwhile Oilers couldn’t set the comeback record. Thirty-four points is just too much when you have to get past Micah Hyde. Josh Allen got benched just like all his … Keep Reading
It’s just one game. But we never want to stop talking about what a game it was. That was the best sort to have as one hundred percent of the … Keep Reading
Free afternoons are an upward trend. Enjoy full nights instead. Those of us who can’t remember the last time we went to sleep and woke up on different days got … Keep Reading