I’ll save the “sky is falling” for the experts who can sort out the x’s and o’s about how to fix the Buffalo Bills’ mortally wounded defense. Ditto for why the offense is performing so poorly on the field. My area of concern is about the wear and tear I see around Josh Allen’s ‘mentals’ at the moment.
It’s been obvious for some time Josh Allen has not been himself. The carefree, smiling, jocular quarterback we’ve come to know and love as fans seems to have been replaced by someone who looks like it’s increasingly become a chore to interact with the media. But the real red flag for me came when the change in tone was directed toward the fan base last Wednesday.
That comment will not sit well with our already hypersensitive fan base, that’s for sure.
So what in the blazes is going on with Josh that would cause him to show frustration toward a fan base that’s done nothing short of anointing him our savior?
I opined before the season started that Allen was undoubtedly experiencing an inordinate amount of pressure to bring a Lombardi to Buffalo this season. Going into his sixth season, he repeatedly acknowledged during the off season he’s no longer a young and developing quarterback. He stated numerous times his life mission is to bring an NFL championship to Western New York.
But that kind of pressure alone is the fire that fuels many professional athletes, including Josh.
So what other factors may be contributing to the guy we barely recognize in terms of outward behavior?
There are likely many reasons for the downcast vibe the fan base is sensing from Josh Allen, but they probably are based around some configuration of the following two variables:
Some form of internal turmoil within the organization.
I wouldn’t begin to speculate about exactly what may or may not be going on between Sean McDermott and Ken Dorsey, but the blow off by Daboll after the Giants game certainly suggests SOMETHING went haywire in that relationship. So if McDermott is leaning on Dorsey and Josh to play a certain way… essentially ‘neutering’ what Allen does best in terms of playing instinctively… it would explain why Josh appears increasingly frustrated and/or stressed.
We already know Josh Allen is a self-described “people pleaser”, so any ‘family’ dysfunction is going to affect him differently than if he was more like Stefon Diggs… who rarely gives a rip what other people think. If there’s any dysfunction going on within the organization, this will stress a person with this type of personality to a much greater degree.
So whatever the reasons are for any dysfunction, Josh will try to “get along” as best he can. However, I could certainly see a scenario where Allen may blow up about being constrained too much by being forced to play the game in a manner that does not fit his personal style; or as he was aptly described once by a Patriots fan on a podcast (I choose not to name): Josh Allen is Captain Chaos.
Internal burnout caused by demands of job versus introverted personality.
Josh Allen is self-admitted introvert. The degree to which someone demonstrates an introverted personality can have a profound effect on stress levels if the individual is in a highly visible job or is a celebrity for whatever reason. Introverted people require solitude to process their stress. Add to the fact Josh was raised in a rural area and it can be accretive in terms of producing internal stress for him. It’s not a coincidence Allen built a house he rarely has to leave… so you get my point. Josh Allen is not Jim Kelly, who loves being with people.
Allen appears to have his circle be family, friends/significant other, teammates, the Bills’ coaches and organization. All the social media stuff he used to do in the past looked contrived. Now he’s making commercials because they are lucrative, but I suspect not because he necessarily enjoys doing them.
There is a type of burnout you can see in people who have a conflict between their innate personality and their occupation/celebrity status. Going into his sixth season, Josh is likely now wrestling with the loss of the freedom he once enjoyed when he wasn’t a super star celebrity. There’s a grieving process for what once was a life away from prying eyes.
These are all very normal human experiences. Allen will do what he always does and try to figure it out for himself. Hopefully he will accept support from others along the way because it can be a tricky road to navigate.
The sweet young boy is now a man trying to recalibrate in a big boy world.
In conclusion.
All of the factors described above are likely to be impacting Josh Allen’s ‘mentals’ at the moment. Those of us at a certain age can look back with a smile of recognition for that time of life when you’re trying to put it all together. I’ve said many times to clients over the years that the decade of our 20s is the most challenging.
Josh will no doubt figure it out, but it’s obvious he’s got a lot on his mental plate at the moment.
Editor’s babble: If you got through this and still want to punish yourself more, you can also find me on Xwitter @RobynMundyWYO.

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Insightful and compassionate. Thank you for this, helps us out here in the hinterlands enormously.
My belief is stardom has gotten to his head ? His facial features are that of a dear in the headlights look. He isn’t prepared, it really shows when he makes a mistake , then goes and sits on the bench. He is supposed to be a leader yet he himself had let the team & the fans down by playing poorly. If he can’t get it together, bench him ! He has already got the big contract and then started doing commercials on TV. I have seen this before with pro athletes. Josh has got to lead by example & get the ball to the play makers !
He has had so many opportunities and squandered them all. Sick of hearing,
“I GOT TO LEARN” It is his 6th year,
C’ mon man !!!!
As much as he is a Buffalonian it’s hard for someone to deal with the Buffalo fans attitude that the sky is falling. It must get old to keep reading fans saying cut this guy trade for that guy. Okay fire Dorsey …then what? Who you going to call? Let’s trade our 29th round picks for the next 5 years for the all pro running back for a future hall of fame WR. This my team . I yell and hollar and even swear a lot when they lose. I cheer when they win. Come Monday I stand with them . I totally trust McDermott and Beane to do what’s best. They want to win as much if not more than me. For me I believe the injuries on defence is devastating and our offence is pressing. Looking forward to Thursday.
Great analysis as always Robyn..
Formerly known as ALL D here
Hope all is well!
Ever since he broke up with his girlfriend he’s been off. Really off!!!
Love of the bills just want the best for Josh Allen. What happened to the k gun offense? No huddle offense. Maybe Josh should hangout with Jim kelly & Thurman Thomas..
Well said ! Insightful analysis and probably true.
Perfectly written.
He’s not running with the ball
How about “allow Josh to play as he wishes”. Ridiculous to hold him down!! Doesn’t allow for anyone’s happiness no matter who they are!
Excellent article Robyn
Very few writers are able to articulate this type of analysis. Thank you!
If a fan base gets mad at that comment like you did… then they need to stay in moms basement. That was the most basic of statements and he was most likely, referring to the media more than he was fans in the stadium…. Bunch of softies if that little statement rubbed the fan base like it did you
I agree. Someone should tell him to act his age, since it is his job, as well as responsibility. So negative. At the end of the day, It is a game and fun. He’s a leader and so should be setting a good example for everyone.
A very good read. Something most people don’t think about.
Some advice from a fan of Josh’s who has seen this side of him before in WYO. Don’t micromanage him. Let him play football his style, his way or you will clip the wings of the best gift you have ever had in Buffalo.
He’s a natural born leader, a natural born quarterback, and a community star IF you stay out of his way and only manage the big stuff. Nitpicking and loading up on already self-loaded shoulders will only cut the legs out on the one person whose in Buffalo to truly show the best of himself.
Hi Renee,
Thanks for reading and commenting. Couldn’t agree more with what you wrote here! Go Bills!
I’m actually super surprised you haven’t seen the change. Week 1 when they were supposed to come out looking like lions, Josh came out looking like a lemon. I am a 35 year Bills fanatic and this I saw something had changed…… his clean cut hair (NEVER below the helmet) and clean cut manicured face was missing…….since he came to the team, each year being more laser focused than before….knew something was amiss and when a guy has this type “transformation it can only mean one thing….female issues! I then saw he had broken up with his long time girlfriend from high school after 6 plus years and now dating, well, someone who’s made him LOSE COMPLETE FOCUS on his career!!!!!! Josh, cut your friggin hair and drop the show pony! Time to get back to business and stop letting all your fans down, your arm candy should only be a football!!!! Ditch the witch, sorry!
Hi Bettina… I did think about Josh’s personal issues but didn’t feel it was appropriate to include because it deals with his personal life… and all the info that’s out there is speculation and gossip. There has never been a reputable report about the break up, so I felt uncomfortable including it in my post. I did mention on Xwitter that every breakup of a long term relationship requires time to grieve, that’s for sure. Is it affecting him professionally? I can’t write that with any degree of certainty because he has never discussed it publicly, nor should he in my opinion. Thanks for reading and commenting! I really appreciate your feedback.
When I heard Josh and his long time girlfriend had parted ways, I was amazed. I thought, Josh is getting very serious about his football game. He’s not going to let anything or anyone mess up his football concentration. Then this new girl shows up and there went that theory. I do believe the girlfriend has a lot to do with where his mind is at. BUT if Tyler Bass would have made those 2 field goals, the Bill’s would have won. What’s up with Tyler Bass?
Hi Susie,
Thanks for reading and commenting. Check out my response to Bettina about the same issue. Go Bills!
Much love,
“I wouldn’t begin to speculate about exactly what may or may not be going on between Sean McDermott and Ken Dorsey, but the blow off by Daboll after the Giants game certainly suggests SOMETHING went haywire in that relationship. ” — I missed this! Who did Daboll blow off?
Hi Becca,
Thanks for your comments and reading my post. After the Giants game, the traditional handshake by coaches at the end of the game… Daboll literally gave McDermott the cold shoulder. Barely tapped his arm, walked away and barely made eye contact. It was like… wow. That’s what I call the “cold shoulder”.
I believe in Josh that the traditional 🦬 look on advertising looks better than the new look He had a more traditional look when he came to the Bills. I hope he returns to that look and does another ad for Gillette, adding a shave cream for the new brushless look, free and clear of fragrance. And the 5 blade holds up for about 30 shaves. My husband’s only holds up for about 10, using Kiehl’s.
Is this young strong-arm athlete being overly managed? When I watch him I’m reminded of the Steelers dynasty years with “Big Ben.” Josh reminds me of a swifter, more agile version and look what Big Ben accomplished. Josh Allen is not a Joe Montana who needs to fit into a Bill Walsh systematized offense. He’s another Jim Kelly type. I can hope that Kelly could have some long up-close contact with Josh and also with Dorsey about loosening up the reins. I’ve followed the Bills since they first came on the scene in old War memorial Stadium days and after living, dying, and agonizing over those early, pre-Kelly K-Gun teams and QBs Kelly sparked Buffalo in a way that is sorely needed now. GO JOSH, GO!!!