Make sure to shield yourself from the climate and be near the football broadcast. Also, the weather’s bad. Buffalo Bills backers in their native realm found themselves jealous as their favorite team played in relatively balmy Chicago. Our hearts ended up warm despite some icy stretches.
Any besieged blizzard coper who felt like Sisyphus with a shovel deserved a break from historically fiendish storminess. The game kicked off at the most welcome time. We got through the event despite struggling. The Bills reflected the point the whole time.
The lack of working outlets does not constitute a normal hassle. An assault by nature helps those affected to cherish little successes even if the affected don’t particularly feel they need the reminder. It’s like how the Bills losing at the half taught a lesson about coping with temporary infuriation. This club was preparing us to face challenges.
If elation isn’t constant, prevailing despite so much sucking is the next-best option. This may or may not be about the snowfall. The Bills treated the Bears like cruel flurries treated Buffalo. An eventual athletic devastation served as an extra blessing when Buffalonians craved an escape from a meteorological event memorable for unfortunate reasons.
Fans coping with accumulations up to the second floor appreciated the precious distraction of a football win. Such welcome results are not guaranteed, as anyone cheering for this team since the last blizzard can attest. It’s not just drifting that makes Buffalonians twitch.
Reality resembles a movie in a way not often realized. It’s easy to remember how happy the main characters feel right before the credits while disregarding how many aggravations they withstood to reach a happy embrace.
As seen during the classic Christmas story presented during Die Hard, coming out on top is bound to feature travails on the way. People prefer watching others cope with difficulties, which essentially describes being a sports fan. Followers who might have enjoyed imagining what the game looked like after unearthing a transistor radio following the power going out dealt with what existence decided they simply had to face.
We beg the Bills to run just like we do the precipitation to stop. Invested observers want them to keep running even if just to frighten future opposing defenses. As much as Josh Allen throwing is our favorite motion, his less dramatic underhand action keeps adversaries accountable. Counterparts living in fear of a gashing in turn lets him get back to our favorite hobby. Not passing enables passing.
If it’s possible to catch 100 passes quietly, Stefon Diggs just pulled that off. Just like snow, he doesn’t stop. Dispatching him on underneath routes might be just what reignites the connection’s spark. Diggs getting the second half’s first catch was symbolic, although the yards count, too. The two-point conversion that finished the same drives where confused Bears fretted about Diggs so much that they forgot about Khalil Shakir should illuminate a light bulb over Ken Dorsey’s head.
Those who think the Bills finally set up the foe for a knockout gifted themselves with a surprise. Winning the closest blowout possible is a feat of sorts. More thorough wins feature the offense protecting the most precious commodity, namely the football. Turnovers provide chances to opponents that negate presumed advantages.
A concerning early start might seem easily forgettable in light of the result. But Buffalo should focus on remembering what went wrong at the start. The thing about zones is you have to cover them. That means each and every one. Blaming a brief realtime adjustment period or adjusting to working on Hoth might be the reason they were down after the first possession. Whatever the cause, the Bills have to figure out how to communicate before falling behind rather quickly.

Ed Oliver misses Von Miller. He’s positioned to do something about the absence. All we can do is hope the young Jedi learned from his master. Buffalo’s Yoda continues to influence results even while injured. As for the lineman still in the lineup, his ferocious disregard for blockers remains an effective delight.
Meaningful January football may not necessarily carry the meaning it did way back a couple years ago. The 17th game pushes the regular season even further into the overflow year. The right to play even later must be grasped much sooner.
Protecting the ball while playing to their potential in each and every quarter would alleviate despair. Causing their own pain like some emo brat is self-fulfilling in a negative way. A little perspective might allow them to realize how nice their circumstances are.
They can’t keep doing this, we note as they keep doing this. The Bills were able to overcome sloppiness against a Chicago franchise that wishes the season also ended with the year. Worrisome types keep saying Buffalo will get to the point where they’ll be unable to overwhelm enemies with talent. The prediction seems like it’s bound to come true even as we wish for altered behavior to prevent it. Rising to the level of competition would be the best outcome. I’m sure doing so is the easy part.
Not even Pope Allen XVII is infallible. Trying to control a ball’s trajectory is the main task of a multibillion-dollar industry in which countless millions stake their happiness. Those employed to perform the task can’t do anything once the object been heaved or booted. Being at the mercy of elements is a common theme. All those facing obstacles can do is put as much oomph into the action as possible.
A meaningful game rightfully slotted Monday night just happens to offer a perfect opportunity to send the ball to the intended place. Playing the keen Bengals in the dark to open 2023 makes the NFL almost seem like it knows what it’s doing. The Bills get their chance to exclude a vexing AFC competitor. The schedule doesn’t define identity any more than the forecast.
Editor’s babble: We are grateful for Anthony Bialy’s many contributions to our blog. If Anthony isn’t shoveling snow, you can also find him on Twitter @AnthonyBialy. Happy New Year! is sponsored by 26 Shirts
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